The Week after the AFC/NFC Championships are exciting, the winning teams are back at their fields training, handling media and pushing their momentum towards the Super Bowl. Those losing teams are forced back to their homes to sit for the next weeks off and just watch. But then 7 days out something changes. The wind changes direction and everyone starts to get that chill down their spines: it's Super Bowl week.
Maybe it's because I'm more invested in the Super Bowl this year, but I can feel the excitement. I haven't been this excited for the Super Bowl in 14 years, conveniently the last time the Packers were in the big game. Yes as a sports fan I'm always interested in the Super Bowl, I like to see teams that I respect (Saints and Colts) do well and also watch teams choke and lose (Patriots). Anything having to do with sports this week, has involvement with this game, whether it's asking an NBA player after a game who they got to win or the constant ESPN stories. Look at it this way, what else is the NFL network going to show all week but games from the season in order to match-up the two best teams of the season.
There is more excitement amongst the fan nations, more smacktalking and more money spent just to get near Cowboys Stadium. I wish I could say more about this but I can't. Let's just let teams do the talking.
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